Table of Content
1. The Rule
2. The Call
3. The Community
4. Prayer
5. Praise and Tongues
6. Meditation
7. Study
8. Poverty (Purification of Possessions)
9. Chastity and Sexuality (single or married)
10. Work
11. Clothing
12. Shelter
13. The Leaders
14. Obedience
15. Correction
16. Discipline
17. Service
18. Candidates
19. Commitment
20. Eating
21. Fasting
22. Complete Fasting References in the Bible
1. Purification of the Body the first Level
2. Purification of the Soul the second Level
3. Purification of the Spirit the third Level
4. Purification of Family, Marriage and Covenanted Community Relationships, the fourth Level
5. Purification of Social, National and Cultural Relationships, the fifth Level
6. Purification of the Relationship with the Living Planet, the sixth Level
7. Purification of the Relationship with the Communion of Saints, the seventh Level
8. Body, Soul, Spirit Triad and Heart
9. The Human Spirit’s Three Major Functions
a. Human Spirit’s Function of Conscience
b. Human Spirit’s Function of Intuition
c. Human Spirit’s Function of Communion
10. The Human Soul’s Three Major Faculties
a. The Soul’s Faculty of Will (Volition)
b. The Soul’s Faculty of Intellect (or Mind)
c. The Soul’s Faculty of Emotion (three types)
11. Trinitarian Orientation in the New Testament
12. Penance (A means of Purification)
13. Dietary Penance or Asceticism
14 Healing of the Sick
15. Laying Hands Upon
16. Therapeutic Ministry of Peter, Paul and other Disciples
17. Growing Spiritually – Transformation
18. Baptism of the Holy Spirit
19. Outpouring Imagery of the Holy Spirit
20. The Word of God
21. The Tree of Life in the Word of God
22. Ministry, Apostolic Activity
23. Biblical Titles of Mary Mother of Jesus Rule of Life
Part III - Rules of Different Orders
1. Those Who do Penance
2. Those Who do not do Penance
3. Second Version of the Letter of Francis
1. Those Who do Penance with Bible citations
2. Those Who do not do Penance with Bible citations
3. Second Version of the Letter of Francis with Bible citations
I. Faithful Observance of God’s Commandments and the Precepts of the Church
1. Love of God.
2. Respect for the Name of the Lord
3. Do not hurt anybody, and sanctify the Feast
4. Duties of Subjects and Superiors
II. Daily Prayers and Devotions for the Dead
1. Divine Office
a. Clerics
b. Laymen
2. Prayers for the Dead of the Order and other Faithful Departed.
3. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and
the Holy Trinity
III. Sacraments
1. Confession and Communion
2. Attending Mass
IV. Despising the World
1. Detachment of earthly things
2. Avoiding banquets and worldly vanities
V. Works of Mercy and Penance
1. Fast, abstinence, and prayers on Friday
2. Dispensation from fasting and abstinence
3. Works of mercy
VI. Exterior Marks of this Order
1. Dress, cincture
2. Profession and suspension
3. Duties of the punished and their rehabilitation
VII. Leaders of this Order
1. Election and Removal from office
2. Peace for rebels and fraternal charity
3. Conclusion: Perseverance and reading of the Rule
1. List of Abbreviations
2. Bio James C. Tibbetts
3. Order of Eden Franciscans (OEF)
4. Endnotes
Introduction - Order of Eden Franciscans Biblical Rule of Life
This book is an introduction to the Order of Eden Franciscans. It explains the various aspects and uniqueness of this secular (lay, domestic) order. The Order of Eden Franciscans (OEF) is a new spiritual community of domestic or lay Franciscans, some married others single.
When Jesus was on the road to Emmaus, he walked with two disciples and discussed scriptures with them. (Lk 24.13-35) He strung together the various Biblical passages that referred to him. “Beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted for them every passage of Scripture which referred to him…When he had seated himself with them to eat, he took bread, pronounced the blessing, then broke the bread and began to distribute it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him; whereupon he vanished from their sight. They said to one another, ‘Were not our hearts burning inside us as he talked to us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?’”
What Jesus did is called “stringing pearls,” he wove scriptures together historically explaining their inner meaning. The scriptures also can be strung together according to a Biblical theme. In this book scriptures are often woven together in this tapestry referred to as “stringing pearls.” Stringing pearls can be done both with both a scholarly and an artistic methodology. It is a stringing together of Biblical Rules and Themes for the OEF.
This book is basically a combination of two approaches to Scripture: the scholarly historical critical method (The Way of Truth) and the artistic historical intuitive method (The Way of Beauty). It is a theological exegesis and a poetic meditation; a scriptural science and a biblical art. Numerous different translations have been used to bring out the beauty of the biblical text.
This book is part of a series of documents on the Order of Eden Franciscans (OEF). It is a secular (lay or domestic) order of Franciscans and Carmelite spiritualities blended together, taking the best of both. It also includes the best of the Benedictines and Carthusians for their monastic side.
It also has the Blessed Mother’s Rule of Life as found in her Biblical Titles, which is part of the OEF Biblical Rule of Life.
This book is part of the OEF “Rule-Set” documentation:
Order of Eden Franciscans Biblical Rule of Life
Order of Eden Franciscans Biblical Titles of
Mary Mother of Jesus Rule of Life
Order of Eden Franciscans Lifestyle and Structure
Order of Eden Franciscans Constitutions and Norms
The OEF Catholic … Simplified, 16-part series.
These five documents are the “Rule-Set” for the OEF and the fifth document is the 16-part series which is the official commentary, definitions, and clarification that is also part of the Rules. In other words, these 20 books are the “Rule” for the Order of Eden Franciscans! For more information on the Order of Eden Franciscans (OEF) see the last section at the end of the book, or see the Lifestyle and Structure book for a more complete understanding.
Peace to you and God bless!
Three key scripture verse is foundation here;
“In My Father’s House there are many mansions.” John 14:2
Jesus said to us; “I came so that you might have life
and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
“Beloved I hope you; are in good health – may you thrive in all other ways as you do in the spirit.” John 2:3
Having abundant life, being healthy, healed and thriving in the Spirit are the goal and context here!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
May God bless you with health and healing.
Thank you for your interest and God bless.
In Jesus and Mary,
Jim Tibbetts